Wednesday 27 June 2018


She said:

Love dyed my heart
with the height of the sky
He places playful pigments
in my mind that pour out
the white of my smile
He laces my heart beats with
red dream-like  ribbons that I love to untie
His gaze made me open my palms
So I could let forever fly
further and further away
from the beautiful breaths
that colour this marvelous moment
The glitter of his goodness goldens
the light of love I stand in
I feel bright as I breathe
my motions are majestic
like the soft serene scenery
of sunsets and sunrises
If I am earth
Then he is the sun that animates the wild
And when I become night
He is the fragrant light
That dazzles time between the
Spaces in my heart

He said:

Love died
She has left my laughs limping
and sentenced my lips to sorrow’s 
tortured tenses
Who ever thought that loneliness
would alienate me to Ache’s 
acrimonious archives?
Who would’ve thought that the loss of love
would bury me alive?
That pain would be built from the
bricks of a paradise I dwelt in?
Who would of thought that
every part of me would feel
dead no matter how much
air I breath in
No matter how many cries 
my soul would breath out?
Who would of thought
that love would weigh heavier than sin?

My breaths mumble as I mourn
a lively love stolen from my embrace
I have been widowed by Happiness
bewitched by what I desired ad absurdum
Dressed in the darknesses 
of a sinking sadness
I layer my loss in thought after thought
I drown in my own tears
and yet I still have oceans to cry
I never was good with good byes

It is only my skin that lives
For my heart drums 
the silence of death

She said:

Love died
I left him standing where he lies
and in the blink of an eye
My heart was empty inside
as a deep sense of betrayal 
began to multiply
Into countless whys
In search of the rotting reasons 
why I was not wise
Life began to tic anti clockwise
I became the laughing stock
of the sane and the wise
For I now realise
That every word that love watered
my germinating heart with 
was not love
but the disguise
Of  a heart Theif
That breaks into hearts
to break what hearts heart
then fill his heart
with the havoc he arts
To smash what is kind
grabbing onto whatever 
treasure he can find
His favourite victims are the blind
How could I have been so blind? 
Now I live between heart beats
from a heart with more stings 
than a behive

The world watched me 
becoming a wallowing weeping willow
They all look into my eyes and say
It might be best if you leave it behind
I guess they don't know
that the death that I've died too
leaves nothing behind 

Now where will I find
The courage to climb
Out of my fall from cloud ninety nine

for though winged
From this pit of self pity
I am unable to fly

He said:

Love dyed
My lips with the warmth 
of countless kisses
Her colours cling to the core of my soul
Painting peace upon 
the fabric of my be-ing
I am her Master-Peace
The sacred spaces of our inner peace
Have been pieced together so beautifully
It puzzles sober sights
Yet ignites every sky lantern lit for love
over countless nights

I fall to the heaven at her feet
Drenched in the depth of her deep
I melt away in the metaphysics 
of our love leap
that is felt in every nano second
of our pellucid poetic penning pulse

She bows before me
Passionately Purple with my praise
and for every letter of light 
that falls from her face
I raise her a degree higher 
above my kingdom
That it may kneel in her praise
A status that no thing can erase
from a love that time cannot deface
A love space cannot embrace

I am the green in her leaves
She is the radiance of my light
I shine upon her because 
I am her dancing desire
From her beauty 
my sight does not retreat
I am the clouds in her summer sky
She is the rain that falls 
Calmly upon my chest
I am the cold bitter winter
She is the tree whose  brown 
falls to ground
Knowing that soon 
I will clothe her again
In the sweetness 
of my scent-full spring
And to the billows of her beauty
My nest of melodies will sing
Tunes tailored for infinity 

So you see
We are a love that cannot die
For it is our passion that 
pours without pause
into the pigments with which love
So willingly dyes

Our intrigue that inspires
episodes of lovers throughout time
Our tender touches that write the lines
Upon which poets rhyme
and sharpen the edges 
at which war weaned warriors die
We are the stretched out branches 
from where birds learn to fly
We are the nostalgic images 
sketched like magic in the mind's eye
Yes the seeing of your seeing 
is her and I 
Within the frame our form
Drowns every delight

We are the spinning spear 
with which hearts conquer
Our secrets shape 
the skies to which 
songbirds sing too

Our love dyes
The seekers with rainbows of life
We are The Lavender Lovesphere 
that the lovers lose their selves too

Ours is a love
That dissolves all life forms 
in liquid light
A turquoise transformation 
from life to life

Because those tied to 
transcendent truth forms 
that dye as they die
Know that Death’s desired dye
is the dimension to 
which all dimensions die
A destiny that 
the glow of no galaxy can deny

Stand upon this
O love lyric
Always Remember that
Only letters without
Love’s dye, die.
And those that die to love
become the cosmic colour of her dye

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