Wednesday 27 June 2018


I don't know what your battles are
Or the size of your seeping scars
Or how often you find yourself
dancing with mars

I don't know how high your clouds fly
Or the name of the Rainbow from which
You carve out your soul's dye
Or the amount of times you've become the sky

All I know is
as I walk upon the earth
I drown in the dazzle of diminishing days
As nights nibble away at the
niceties I knit for my stay

I know
That whispers weaken
my ķnees when I'm upright
And lighten the deeds
that I thought to be steadfast superfast

I know
That deep inside
I constantly fight
A one I-yed enemy
That constantly tries
To enslave me to a slave
that constantly captures my worship
encaging it in a cave
Void of light

I know that
Distractions drum falls
into my path tirelessly daily
and that Desire's fire
has a roasting roar
That turns to ashes
the parts of me that I adore

But a phenomenal fortune flowers
At my doorstep once more
A scented crescent sent
to cleanse my core
Of all that I testify to abhore
Beyond every shadow of doubt
this fragrance doth the
withered radiance restore
A serenity that calmly cleanses the core
A heavenly healing harmony
that hearts the catastrophic chaos
And everything that it made sore
So that dormant chambers
can come to life once more

But just as I bathed in
the light of your fullness
Just as I gorged and gulped
At your wholesome goodness
Just as I sought in your eyes
A single glance of love
That exceeds the explosive excitement
Of a thousand glances

Time sought to tear us apart
As her hands rushed to turn to art
This aching, breaking heart
Of your lover as you depart
An immortal portrait, her deepest art
Your departure has left me with a deep heart
There aren't enough oceans to fill this part
Of my existence to prevent
me from falling apart

I might never be as vibrant
As I was with love beside me
But you see
My love has left me
with more than just molding memories
Love has left me
With a trove of truthful deeds

But knowing me
I'll probably choose to rue
Instead of digging into these treasures
In which love taught me the amorous
pronunciation of the purest pleasures
A portion of delicious delights
That cause the soul to soar
to The Throne of The Over All
Who made The Beloved
The only Door
The way of the Over Soul
The Melodious Mercy

In love's treasury
Are violet lights
Purple perfumed prostrations
Placed lovingly repetitively
upon the earth's face
Over successive nights
Beneath the lyrical lights of guiding stars
That melt the mind in a myriad of meditations
That map out animated constellations
a maze of mirrors for the soul's silhouette
A sighing sight that beautifues
the breath of the earth
As the verses that venus versed
In the name of the universe
Became prose, a hearse for forgetfulness
O! what a beautiful ascension
Did love teach with every heartful mention
Of the sacred seven sentences
to the seventh dimension

In love's treasury
Are monumental monuments
Marvelling moments
In opulent orchids with
colossal circles of
fruit bearers and wine makers
As we watched wondrous rivers flow
A river of surreal recitations
And a river riveting remembrances
love and I wined and dined
To please love's palate
An attempt to satiate
Her aquired taste
to praise The Most praised
By The Possessor of All praise
our faces became erased
Our beings became the be-ing
That is love.

And in love's treasury
Is a luminous lattice of letters
Conferred upon the un lettered
Luminary to lead existence
To the exit of darkness, an entrance to light
A Lantern that made bright
the darkness of a thousand plus nights
As love and I surfed on the
The oceanic waves of The Over Womb
The vibrational emissions from The Esscence
A flowing forest of flowering fragrances
That praises, protects and sanctifies
the kaleidoscopic souls
entrusted with
condensed couplets of earthward
celestial wombs and the keys to heaven's
doors at her majestic feet
Certainly Destiny diced doom
And fed it to the fools
that deny her florescent feats

Iove and I
Are like the land and the sea
She showers gems on upon my shore
She never ceases to pour
fine pressed wines from the vineyard
Of her Lord's Awe
To better the lover's
Love from whence he loved before
Rekindling the flame
That dances at the mention of love's name

Ramadan my sweet love
Return once more
So that I can love as love
Once more

Till then
I will embellish
The pain of seperation
With treasures that you
Worded upon my being

The poetry of our infinity

Camillo Zimba

#LavanderLoveSphere #Ramadan

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