Wednesday 18 November 2015

The Great Battle

Two armies blew their war trumpets
as their soldiers marched in rows
On a dreaded plain they brought bloodshed
they all digested their fear, if not they were dead

Bloodshed I tell you is not for the faint hearted
these soldier’s hearts halted
then beat again in a sudden burst
as one threw his spear to the front line, they dispersed

One army tripled in size the other
the former brought death
A ray of life brought the later
as they battled one another.

To those of life the battle was now lost
all precious hope now lost.

Alas! There's victory for none
For those who brought death,
death they'd won.

Now silence overcomes this human body
The soul has been pulled out of Mama’s body
This tragedy no man could mend
now Mama's life has reached the end

A moment of silence filled the room
now Mama will lie by her groom
Hhawu mntanami! cried Gogo in the room
A toddler’s cry was heard from the room

Gogo took the toddler in her arms
as tears soaked her wrinkled face
she held this orphan child's hands
as she prayed for strength, for together they have much to face

This war was now over
maybe for Mama
but has long started over
in tiny little Nana

You see...... long be for Nana was born
Mama was young with large hips
and as she walked many boy's hearts were torn
for she had rosy cheeks and luscious lips

One day Ubaba won her heart
he paid in full for her lobola
Their hearts became one heart
She became his Cinderella

He was a gentleman
now no more
He had one pretty lady
but now wanted more

He often beat on Cinderella
and often  had one too many
poor Cinderella
the pieces in her heart where one two many

Ubaba said he had a stressful job
he always put in extra hours
Now family must pay for the stress in his job
as Cinderella’s love worked unpaid hours

One Day Ubaba drove his expensive car
wearing expensive attire
He picked up a 15 year old girl in his car
this self claimed 21 year old became the flame of his desire

Ubaba loved skin to skin
and refused the right choice
his employee wasn’t keen
But her new boss gave her no choice

Now Ubaba broke his wedding vows
but Mama kept her vows
Ubaba got a horrible illness
Ubaba gave Mama a vessel of Aids

So Cinderella lost a battle not hers
Could this battle be yours?
You think this battle is your neighbors
why can't we make this battle ours!

Wednesday 14 October 2015



There is more to her
than meets the eye
Her bulging beauty blinds the restless eyes that vie
as if she where a prize

Mini skirt or hijab
his heart is hit by a beat
stopping jab
her smile is layer upon
layer of light that makes
the breathing of onlookers bright

Her eyes speak out to the world in search of a morsel of meaning for every thundering thought

making every word
that she blinks
an ornament of mystery
to those that look
into the distance she is
and yet only see
as far as themselves

Woman you are a wonder
no wander men meander  endlessly ego sighted
in search of the cosmology
of your beauty
forgetting that you are a conundrum of The Infinite
a depth illusive to the hand
A universe that
the minds of many
are unable to mine.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Jar Of Light

With heads bent at the door
They barely hear you pour
Barely able to draw
The ruby like ray's
of what light gives you to store
If their sight
could not kiss the jar
How could their lips see
The receptacle
into which you pour
The cup whose brightness
writes the soul
of sentences on our faces
the embroider of the reason for Allah's remembrance
upon hearts
the season that causes love
for Adnan to blossom so fragrantly in the fertile fields
of star bound souls
the art that gave birth to all arts, the galaxy that glows
in the corner of every atom
the infinity that definitions
cannot fathom
the death of detail
the journey without a trail

we sit with our heads
bent at your door
pouring ourselves into the particles you pour
our souls absorbed
in the Essence's ebb
our heart beats become
seeds carried by the
pleasant breeze of The Presence
our blood vessels
The Throne
our lungs drowning
in awe of the unknown
the deeper death drips
from every breath
inhaled elements explode
into the length of light
love's life lives
eternally in every
breath exhaled
our lips are locked
to beauty's brim
with every gulp
perception is
engulfed by elevation
and never stoned by separation

you are love's height
love's hearing
and love's sight
love's touch
and love's delight
love's taste
and love's light

Jar of light
what was broken
you make bright
whatever you water
grows beautifully lush
what sweeter means
have we other
than you to the marvel
of the Prophet's musk
no clearer lens
is at our disposal to see
Love's luminous
landscape unmasked

Sunday 2 August 2015


Beauty's broth bubbles,

In the lover's pot,

With every stir the light lit doubles,

Love's hymn in the heart is hot,

As melody  turns to straw taunting troubles,

See souls drowning in the dot inside the dot,

As the seeker's salivating stomach rumbles,

Lines far stretched are drawn back to the dot,

The caving crave crumbles,

Sentences are sown back to the sacred spot,

saved by an affection that is safe from a seeing that stumbles,

For the regal regent whose knowing is not in a knot,

Words are awoken by the drumming dreams
Forgetfulness forgot

The resplendent remembrance of the riveting radiance by which truth humbles

The motion of moments that peel the purpose in fate's plot

For far from him the fool fumbles,

Yet from his lips wisdom was granted her lot,

And from the depth of silence gold mumbles

From love to love
In love by love
To love for love
In love with love

Upon him is love
For he is beloved to Love
Only loved by the loved
Only blinded from the blind
Only found by the profound
Only witnessed by those witnessing

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Sacred Storm

form to form
Hearts are drawn
Then by the very form
That those affections adorn
Those hearts are out worn

From dusk till dawn
Hearts comb
Their beloved form
So their love is constantly reborn
Even the flames that time has evidently torn

From evening to morn
Hearts fall from the death of form
The widow wails but the heart forgets to mourn
As the soul is flown
Into the calm of the sacred storm
Into what the forgetful form
forgets to adore and adorn
Into the light of every form
Into the field from which springs
The fragrance of every form

These hearts housed
By phenomena of all that is form
Are never outworn
And never torn
But constantly reborn
In the ruby that reddens every form!

Thursday 11 June 2015

I'm No Thief

I am not a thief

I never had a knack
For breaking locks
of pad locked houses
I believe that
What was not written
As mine should not be desired
By this heart of mine
But my pen
has no perfection
To define 
Only blots of ink
that build up
on a fine line
Though not gifted
in seeing
the fine line
I've been gifted to
know what's mine
What wants to be mine
And What's mine to define

So try as I may
It is beyond my reach
To open the doors
Upon which your
Heart beats knock

Try as I may to discern the seconds that soak your emotions
I am unable to see the hours that build up your inner most state
Though I know that time's tic
Will soon come
to a sudden stop
I could never tell the
direction of motion
of the arms
on your clock

I am
A king
Only to love
A light
Only to love
I am a pauper
Only to love
A slave
Only to love

And so I love
with all that I have
And All that I have
is All that I love

I love with all that I am
I am all that I love

Sunday 24 May 2015

Beautiful Ocean

Beautiful Ocean
Drown me in the depths of your light

Sacred sky
Envelop my heart with the fragrance of your height

Dazzling drum
Purify my limbs with the perfume of your scented sound

Extraordinary element
Multiply my love consciousness  with your cosmic chemistry

Sunday 17 May 2015

Heart's Thirst

For the soul whose  love scent
will quench your heart's thirst,

yes those touches
that you can take in gulps
till you burp

that smile that stops
time in its tracks
and has you cemented
in the moment,

Search for that golden garment
that you can drape your breaths in through every season,

That beautiful mind
that will raise you up
when you fall from reason,

That believer whose
heartbeats dye your senses
In the fluorescent flame of faith

But before you hold your breath
and fall to a love starved death

Unearth the fact that:
he is animal first
that she is animal first
that you are animal first
And when we stand bare
religion is a robe
faith a hidden ruby
and inward perfection a pearl
in the furthest depth
of the skin's oceans

The truth of one's true character
Has the ability to hide
Even from oneself
Only rubies reflect light
And very few
open the pot of stew
That enables them
to reflect and chew
On what they heart
chooses to eschew

Let your patience and prayer
Penetrate the surface of that soul
Because unlike fireworks
Faith does not flash in the eyes' sky
It is not a tangible light

so call on the animal first
for when its mask falls
the forest roars
restless-ness will gnaw
at your bliss
And a minute of life
Will feel like a thousand
Dreadful life times

so match your self to your
species go for the jugular
catch captions of the echoing ego
before you promise your Lord
That by the love you
so sincerely searched  for
and have now finally found
you will love For Love's sake
and never forsake,
That you will give
without wanting to take...
That you will remain the
light of your love
Even when love leaves you dark

Do not be lead:
by the light of lust
For every fire that burns
is humbled by dust

Do not be guided
by a growing greed that guides you
to clench the luxuries
of the world in your fist
Ask yourself how many lives
lay resting in the world's wide fist

If you measure your match
and dissect your catch
you stand that rare
chance of confirming your love batch

That awesome abundance
from up above
your hand in glove
your heart
in a heart that loves.

But if within yourself
You find fault in what
Fate placed before you
Look again deep within you
Remain true to you
And decide on
What best nourishes your light
Even if every decision
you find feels like an incision
upon your heart

For every millisecond served to you
Is a sacred treasure
Once taken cannot be returned
Once your beating heart is taken
It can never be returned

Love with your heart
anchored in Love
Live with your breaths
returning to light
Then not only will
your life become a light of love
You will become the love of Light

Sunday 10 May 2015

Here, I Breath

Here, I breath
Breaths beneath
This cloud that brings
Worry to my being
As these droplets sing
Melancholy drains my dreams
My soul ship sinks
in an ocean of screams
Here I breath
And collapse from within

Here, I breath
Hear my heart beat
Burying defeat
Bringing victory to my feet
Bursting into a rainbow of life
As my soul soaks the sky in light
Baking the soil
with a scent most bright
A heavenly hue
flowing from the highest height
I plant purpose in my path
I put into motion all I have
The universe
encompasses my mind
Then flows from
my pen into verse
Unearthing the sacred state
Of a uni versal state of mind
A creative kind
Hear, I breath
and come alive
from deep within


Monday night
Sacred light
The fragrance of the beloved
Kisses the lover's sight
Your musk scented ink ignites
A flame of love
As each heart beat writes
with warmth woven
By lyrics longing
to be sung by loving lips
And as each syllable drips
The lover's soul sweetens
The lover's ocean widens
The lover's heart ripens
The Treasury of love deepens

Monday night
Fold me in the lover's flight,
Across the acres that
cram my sight

Monday light
Fling me over the mountains
That mold my mind,
Towards a love I live to find

Monday: Love's delight!
Whose palms perfumed
The planet with a breath
Pristine, most perfect
Indeed The Moon's day
For before the sun rose
The Lamp of love
Lifted the darkness
Paving a path
To the light of day

Monday 6 April 2015


He said:
Melt my soul into a pot of gold
So I can buy her the world
Make it her throne
I want to give her
that expensive glow
I want to crown her
With crystals cut from my core
Though I know
That she is buried in  awe
Beneath the river beds
Of waters that ran before
Time's truth tore
What deception devises to restore
Although she knows
I can't love her without soul
Because no matter the weather
This heart is stone cold
The legend is old
The truth of the tale is
As it has always been told
my soul has been sold
To keep her out of the cold
So that my fantasy can unfold
From what overflows in my head
to every tinkle felt in my toe

She said:
Give me your gold
This equation is old
my sense of fashion is bold
I bring passionate flames
To heartbeats chilled by the cold
since childhood I've been told
That my beauty can
bear me a throne
I am the ocean,
to which you are tied too
at lust's shore
Forever wanting more
The truth of true love
I do not know
But if there is one thing I know
The love that you love
is only fool's gold
Romance is only a plaything that foolish poets wrote
Horses that dreaming hearts rode
I read those words somewhere in my soul 720 days
after my heart broke
On that day the shattered pieces of my heart finally spoke
My breaths once again wrote
The Harshness scribbled
on life's lifeless note
Come, my king,
Give me your gold
And I'll sing you sensations that will fill the void left by
your gold-seeking soul
I will Fill you with desires
that will empty you whole
I'll crown you the ruler of every inch spread out gently
to make out
The wonders worded
by Wander from my head
To my toe
your only foe
My sweet love
In this kingdom will be
the absence of
your pot of gold

He said:
Show me the gold in my soul
The ink with which You wrote
My life's precious poem
The secrets known
By the lips of Love alone
So that I may adorn
Your Name as my robe
So that my limbs only know
What flows from Your Throne
Blinded from the
weight of the world and
here after's heavenly gold
Heartbeats that
can never be bought
By a buried glow
That even darkness is
ashamed to show
For without doubt
You are the Greatest Glow

She said:
Golden soul
Your scent is the
secret silence spoke
your breaths are light's love note
Written to heart's that
fell and broke
To minds that the smog of
the earth rose to choke
The rest for repetitions
reeking with regret that
reconciliation refuses to revoke
Your beauty is the
truth of love told
The awakening reality,
life's long awaited hope
The solace soaked in waters that infinity's hands will forever hold
The smile that gives gold its glow
The subtle perfection
not in need of show
The rose that made romance
of the soul journer's road
The name that Adam's eyes saw
Like a jewel juxtaposed on the Heavenly Throne
Along side the name of a Hidden Treasure that desired to be known
Yours is the soul upon whose existence the angels
passionately pour
Praises in a never ending chorus
Yes my dear beloved
It is you I adore
you are my pot's gold
To the light from you
the sight of my soul
has been sold
And my profit is many fold
A value that will forever unfold
My youthful love will never go grey, become frail or grow old
Even after time's head
becomes bald
Even after space has
breathed out her last road

He said:
I glow
After drinking deeply
From the pristine perceptions
Your palm pours
Shapes of shadows
And things that my cognitive
Faculties conjure to know
The scent of snow
The rain and its bow
The voice of vibrations
from which the
coat of every colour is drawn
Your soul is sown
In a fertile field from whose scent
sweetness never ceases to flow
Your beauty is buried deeply
in the crust of light
And this is why I crumble
When I contemplate
The crux of your light
the light whose rays
Re-wrote my days
Into rays that made the rainbow,
My every breath into
pots of gold

She said
I am the gold laden globe
Whose treasure
can never be mined
By mind less minds
Those hearts pumped with pride
Leave my depth behind
Fooled by the forms
that they fight to find
I am the ocean of love
My beloved responds to me
With every wave that carries the heartfelt weight of
I love you that kisses his shore
And with every wave that returns I love him more than before
he is the star bearing sky
Whose light nurtures day
And all things made of
steel and clay
he is the motions of my emotions
Time and space has abandoned us
Now tell me o traveler
what lies at the
loftiest levels of love
What distant dream
have you placed above
the seven skies
That you have not found
Inside your chanting chamber
What breathes beneath your feet
That has placed your heart
Apart from Art's love
The Arrow lodged in Art's heart?
I am a pot of gold
Only by gold I am known
Only to gold do I glow

Friday 16 January 2015


Cartoons mocking Prophet Muhammad - Prof Nouman A…: