Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Den

The Den is deeper
Than the sleep of the cavedin sleeper
Than the grim of the reaper
Than the illusions that whisper

Than the depth
Of darkness upon darkness
Than the breath
Marinated in bitterness
And folded in fears
for countless years

The Den defiles
Sanctified smiles
And leaves light lifeless
And life flightless

The Den destroys
The toys
Of little girls and boys
Then takes residence
In the residue of their rotting resistance
Making grown up girls and boys
The play toys
Of Melancholy's mind games

In the Den Matrimony
Is a treasure that never ceases to weep
A reality that hope fails to keep
A marriage of flesh
That contains ever escaping essences
A companionship of functional corpses
Prisoners pinning
to become freed fantasies
And as time trickles the mould thickens
As love counts more casualties
Than the heads
of mass produced chickens

The den is deep
It swallows the souls
Of unsuspecting victims
Sinking them in holes
Far from Reflection's radiant reach
Light years away from the fruits
That truth sets out to teach

The den is deep
As deep as the silence that stones
a dead beat
Deeper than the pulse
That encloses one's be-ing
In the state of a savage beast
An eternity away from
The sacred state of
Submission to the supreme
without retreat

Arid Souls
Clenched hearts
Mindless tongues
With desire for hands
Clenching onto darkness
With consciousness
frothing with forgetfulness

What lush gratefulness
My garden grows
For these feet to have reached
This pleasant path that love bestows
Upon the gems among loveward souls

By the lines of a light
That love lit
My slumber was poured out
And a precious presence poured in:
Praises of a poetic lift
With wings of love
For prophetic light
Illuminating ink
Delightful drink
A Millennia more intense than
The marvel made manifest in a blink

Said guidance
The temporal
For the eternal
The eternal
For the Real

So we fell on the sword of rembrance
Of The Owner of Benevolence
An explosion of existence
In an infinite instant

So we rose to smell the rose
Whose sanctified scent
Gives guidance and ascent
The pearl of the poets prose

Then we were lit
By the lavish light
The Beautiful brightness
The lantern that holds a litany of love

Then taken by the hand
By the beloved's one man band
Whose praises for the beloved
Are gorgeous and grand
Celestial sentences
from the love guided hand

Here you see love is alive
Heart beats thrive
With the merriment of a jubilant jive
And a buzzing sweetness that
Can only be found in a bee hive
And lovebirds foster in each other
The sacred five
And brew in their souls
Bewildering love for the beloved
And The Most High
This love is mos fly
For this is only a fractured fraction
Of what awaits this love
In the afterlife
After a lifetime as Husband and wife
Enveloped in each other's essences echoing  Loudly back to their Lord
As the fantasies of their flesh
Find fluorescent fruition
And their hearts harp
Harmoniously on the heap
Of love's harvest
A tip higher than Everest
Souls that will forever find rest
In Love's sacred chamber

This heart prays
To be Lifted to the length of light

by  The Extraordinary Eminence
Of the Exemplary Seal
Of the Prophets(May pace be upon him)
The Master of all Matter
The Supreme Slave of The Maker
The soul in a constant state of ascension
Possessor of accepted intercession
The gem with perfections to
numerous to mention
May pace be upon him

And the excellent axis
The scent of sincere praises
Of the one raised
Imbued in the element of existence
Soaked in his  (Salallahu Alayhi wa salaam's) sweetnes

The seal's seal
Ibn Abbas
The Receptor of the Ruby's
fullest fragrance
The bark of remedial remembrance
Ahmed Tijani
May His Lord be pleased with him

And by the favored overflow
Through whom knowing is made to glow
Love from the beloved's bow
The jugular vein of all the light
That leaps upon the galaxies
From the  Jubilant Jewel of mercy
Carving inch by inch
their treasuries, subtleties and intricacies
The fantastic form
The erudite enlivener
The exemplary inheritor
The flower whose fragrances
never cease to flower
In Absolute awe
Of Muhammad Salallahu
Alayhi wa salaam
The slave
Adorned by Love
With incredible increment
Of love for the beloved
Ebrahim Niasse
May His Lord be pleased with him.

He who had no need to remember Love
For only what is forgotten
Needs to be remembered
And Love was in this heart deeply

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