Tuesday 16 June 2015

Sacred Storm

form to form
Hearts are drawn
Then by the very form
That those affections adorn
Those hearts are out worn

From dusk till dawn
Hearts comb
Their beloved form
So their love is constantly reborn
Even the flames that time has evidently torn

From evening to morn
Hearts fall from the death of form
The widow wails but the heart forgets to mourn
As the soul is flown
Into the calm of the sacred storm
Into what the forgetful form
forgets to adore and adorn
Into the light of every form
Into the field from which springs
The fragrance of every form

These hearts housed
By phenomena of all that is form
Are never outworn
And never torn
But constantly reborn
In the ruby that reddens every form!

Thursday 11 June 2015

I'm No Thief

I am not a thief

I never had a knack
For breaking locks
of pad locked houses
I believe that
What was not written
As mine should not be desired
By this heart of mine
But my pen
has no perfection
To define 
Only blots of ink
that build up
on a fine line
Though not gifted
in seeing
the fine line
I've been gifted to
know what's mine
What wants to be mine
And What's mine to define

So try as I may
It is beyond my reach
To open the doors
Upon which your
Heart beats knock

Try as I may to discern the seconds that soak your emotions
I am unable to see the hours that build up your inner most state
Though I know that time's tic
Will soon come
to a sudden stop
I could never tell the
direction of motion
of the arms
on your clock

I am
A king
Only to love
A light
Only to love
I am a pauper
Only to love
A slave
Only to love

And so I love
with all that I have
And All that I have
is All that I love

I love with all that I am
I am all that I love