Friday 12 December 2014

Good Night Gorgeous

Greetings gorgeous, What do these night stars have in store for us,  as their travelling light pours upon us,  and sadly very few skins are porous to the ink of their light, very few nostrils can inhale their blossoming brightness,  to smell the phenomenal fragrance of the kneeling night, very few souls carry lanterns like her sparkling sky,  in order to return the greeting of her travelling light,  very few hearts, beat between the layers of light upon light,  very few thoughts can be carved by the Mastery of The Throne,  for egos refuse to die in order to be reborn, they instead ingest forgetfulness and yet some how claim to be born again, or primary walkers upon a known path, light years away from The Son Of Man's saying: The Kingdom of the Rabb is within.... So join the colourful chorus,  of velvet voices,  whose inner essence is perfumed with praises, that raises their status, light years past ephemeral spaces,  and centuries past the scent of speeding seconds, to drink the nectar from Realities from which all else rose,   the poetry of all prose, for those binded to their blindness remain with only themselves to blame and darkness to gain, as for the seekers of The Real who give life to their flame, what they love is what they attain and their germinating gratefulness gives a full harvest of a golden gain....for us  the over flowing glow of Barhama certainly suffices, a precious provision, that enables  the lovers of the one beloved to Love, to hold onto a Radiant Rope,the Hidden Seal's perfected perception that is fixated to the luminous laudation of The Master of Creation.... so as the night pours our light soars

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