Wednesday 11 September 2013


In what language have you not been praised in?
For in every millionth movement of this moment
Every continent contemplates
about the light that radiates from your face

Your greatness is a tale that time cannot translate
Your noble character is a jewel for which space could not find a place

And though space spread
And Time talked
neither could attain the full expression
of your perfection

Souls struck
by your benevolence pour out layers of love
Placing abstract dimensions in humanity’s palm

Proving that poetry was created
Precisely for your praise

And that all forms of praise to you
Are poetry inked in infinity
An action by the Absolute
And His angels
A personal invitation to the faithful
From The Supreme

What fault do you find in the lover’s adoration?
Let it be yours

Let me be!

For love is the language created to praise my beloved
Love is the explosive expression from my heart to Muhammad

Love's sacred salutations are upon him


Love Stories tickled our ears over ages
Poems of love have poured from hearts that have been under love's spell
Love's marvels are said to be too magnificent to tell


For you hath humankind poured palaces
Whose walls and floors 
are a cement of wars, ink, myths 
and marble made from paper, legends 
and poetry perfumed by pearly prose poured by Persian Poets

For you hath nations beaded patterns of volcanic emotions,
Many souls have sought you in the chemistry of  magical potions
Many hearts have consulted the stars the wise and the deluded
and so many hearts remain awake in the sleep of love in hope to dwell
forever more in your gardens that flower with fantasies most supreme

many souls remain in the imagination of love
imprisoned in the melody of the passionate flames 
of a fire that promises pleasure

But you remain hidden from the eye beguiled
by the garden or the fire in places higher
preserved for those who understand the harmony that harps havoc in their hearts  
The scent that sent their souls on a soul journ

So many have spoken of and yet so few have seen and even fewer tasted
leaving those that tasted wasted in wander

And so I ask
In the alphabet of time and all the letters written by humankind whose pen has unearthed your secret and the secret of your secret?

Love my desire
Though dozens upon dozens are drawn to your dancing flame  and others  disappear in the motion of your melting remain my desire

Love my desire
Though many faces are light with delight from the delicacies of your garden gorgeously laid with bewildering remain my only desire

Love, leave not my side
least insanity eat me alive

Love, leave not my soul
Least my breathing becomes lifeless

Love leave not my mind
For if my thoughts become 
void of your thunder
My universe is split asunder
Every Moment an immortal torture
That would leave me mind less

Love forget me not
For you are my only Alphabet
And you are my only letter

Sunday 8 September 2013


Poetry's Pilgrim

Her soul branches
like pillars carrying the sky
her journey is greater than 
the bark of the great baobab
Pen and ink are her only provisions
With every tear that falls
A line of ink evaporates
as she remembers
she forgets

The beloved is dear
The abstract is near
Her canvas is clear
There is no thunder
pouring in hear ear
The end is here.

The pilgrim once plowed
The poet once penned
The world was once loud
The universe once weighed an ounce.

after reading:

Saturday 7 September 2013


Love not needed
Heart not seated
In the bond love beaded
Love not needed
The lousy lie has ended
Between the need necessity kneaded

Love not needed

What Frost bit cannot be heated
The red Ruby's romantic reflections cannot be repeated

Love not needed

All of Hope's oceans have been depleted
The artistic army of affection has been defeated


Love will forever be the need

Love is forever the fruit and the seed
Love is forever the dance and the reed
Love is forever the sword and the shield
Love is forever the word and the yield
Love is forever the rain forest and it's flowering green
Love is forever what is heard, felt, seen and unseen
Love is forever the sleep and the dream
Love is forever the scent and the scene
Love is forever the thundering water and the rivulet serene
Love is life's light and everywhere that light has been
Love is forever frozen in every movement seen
Love is forever what every breath breathes to mean
Love's golden gleam germinates like wonder within

Love is a song soul never ceases to sing

Love is Beauty's only thing
Love is a secret sown by spring
Love is only known by the loving
Love only leads to Love
Love only needs Love