Sunday 7 March 2021

Once Upon Her Throne

Upon Her Throne

Once Upon her throne
she has no clone
no broken bone
no need to cast a stone

her being is marinated in 
higher vibrations 
whether she's in 
a crowd or alone

Her mind is the most beautiful
Sparkle that the universe has ever sown
Her soul has outgrown
The lies that always won
Her every form is a phenomenon
Whose full moon can only be seen
By the galaxy alone
A sacred beam borne
That Love falls into with heart sworn
To the finite fragrances
 that Infinity has worn
That left Time's turns torn
And Space's lips stuck to the rams horn
In deep awe of the shapes
That her shadow has shown

Her thoughts are ripened
by reflections of a realm 
that felt surreal
The incantations that her inward
Could not conceal
Triumphant treasures that the trail of tribulations timely  reveal
As she drowned
in the desire to self heal
She began to treasure her soul appeal 
The pain began to peal
Off her being to reveal
Her zest and her zeal
Unveiled visions of the Real

Once Upon her throne
she has no clone
no broken bone
no need to cast a stone

Mankind has been 
blinded by her kindness
The glorious gifts she gives
So we exchange them for
Scraps and scars
Torment and torture
Let us forge for her a fortress
Populated by a colourful chorus
That sings of the sacredness of her wholness
A palace for the paradise that she is
Made from golden gratitude
To her  stream of self sacrifices
And marble of marvel
Of her ever evolving role
That nurtures every rhythm of our race
For though we celebrate her emerald being in a day or a verse
The cosmos chants her praises over light years

Friday 12 February 2021

The Spiritual Sings

I've just comeback
From a concussion caused 
By sitting in spaces I didn't fit in 
Forced conversations with faces 
that don't speak me

I've just comeback 
From a heart attack 
A shattering shock 
Of lies lit to make dark
My light's spark

I've just comeback 
From a maze of madness 
Whose caffeine high 
Got me losing mind
Had me coffin low
The thousandth death super slow 

I've just comeback 
From carrying my 
Guttered gut
Between fidgety fingers
And baseless petals 
Of crushed paranoia

I've just comback 
From a twisted path
Tabulated by a psycho's math
Who danced to the derivative 
Of the absent boundary 
of an emptied empath

I've just comeback 
From soulache 
pain planted 
Across acres of past, 
present and future lives 
My tenses sentence 
To a toxic existence 

I've just comeback 
From written reals
Of tormenting tragedies 
That trapped the spirit 
In a storm of tears 
That bruised being 
Would not let droplets drop 

The spiritual sings
I'm fortunate to be back
To have grown teeth 
Strong enough to chew on chains
And still have enough of me
To dance in rain
Enough sun to outgrow the pain
Enough rhyme to mirror poetry 
Enough heart to love me again 
Enough life to live beautifully 
Enough gut to stay brave
Enough me to make every moment count 
Enough soul to make souljourn 
The Spiritual sings 
Ink-credible things 
Like there's no going back 
And to read this poem 
Anytime any dreadful demon 
Calls me back 

Monday 12 October 2020

What is Mathematics?

Greek Mathema...

To study...
Every inch inked into existence
Inhale, exhale
The simple alphabet of motions
In life's exquisite equation

Sanskrit Matha
An acre in the anatomy of an atom
In whose quantum chambers
Reclines radical theorems
that thinker's thread
To tailor time, to centre space.

Kemetic Ma'at
Algebraic Alchemy
Beaming binary
Of Cosmic cause of course
that cut all things coarse
Dimensions of dancing derivatives
Eternity's excellent epistemology
Fate's flowering fission
Gold's gallant glow
Hatchepsut's herbs harping heavenly harmony
Infinity In Imhotep's Inkpot
Javascript joints of the Jacobian Matrix
Al Khwarizmi's algorithmic allegory
Luminous layers of logic
Mice mazed in magic squares
A nebular of numerals knit into
Ocular occult ornaments
poured out poetically into prose
contemplations quarried by Quantum Quail
Resplendent roots
brewed in Sapphire spaces
the tension taught by ticking triggers
uncivilised unilateral usurpation of the universal urn
vengeance violins violet violence
Wagadou's wombs waters weigh weighty words in wait
of Solutions to expiate X
For Malcolm's Zealous Mathematics
Has zoned us into the Zillionth power petaled by Zero

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Send me some loving


O What a beaming beautiful 
moon my heart bled,
Moon grain by moon grain across a
Pitch black parchment whose intimate darkness pronounced death 

O what sacred symphonies
Scorch sorrow's somber sight
Stars birthed from scrupulous scars
To shatter the infinite frame
Of drowning Dispair that
Tangos with the endless night

Every breath booked
Upon pages spined
Bound letters that line libraries 
Whose voluptuos volumes
Of lessons illumes
Incarnated rotations
Whose planetary pulse pours 
into vein discourse
Like a river writes its course
Blossoming into prose
Like the ocean wrought force
Intensity in the motion of every fold
Like the earth limbs barks
From what was buried in 
the heart of hearts
Intensity in every emotion
Like space speaks art 
Excerpts that explicate expansion 
Contours of contraction 
Conciously Labour life lit action
Hymns that yield the knowing 
By which light is made to fraction 

A colourful cascade of cosmos
Light years leaping 
from the leaper's limping learning
Galaxies glowing to guide 
blinding binding
A quitntessential quake
That only gives with a take 
To the sleeping who wake
To the mending break

A quilling healing 
Of muddled feeling 
A quintic function
That plots the dysfunction
Of sightless seeing 

The algebraic pax
Of the quincunx reflection 
Of form torn
By the weight worn 
By a rising rotating to be reborn

Camillo Mubarak @Defpoetsink 

Friday 21 August 2020


It's been a year
Since my form first frothed with fear
Shredded by shriveling shouts 
of an uncried tear
Torn by torments meant to 
haunt my mental sphere 
Oceans of melancholy whose 
Death dyed shores 
took the shape of my own spear 
Lows that flatned times tides 
Ancient anxieties anchored my
Soul at the valley of Sorrow's scape
Sans high hope Sans blissful escape

But now I'm here
This day is new and clear
This breath is nuclear 
A fission that flowers fragrant fate 
Mushrooming clouds of Colours 
that ululate
At the sight of the carcass grey that 
the Lioness ate at the Lion's Gate
The reward for the reflective roar 
That Reason will rhythmically radiate
That Patience is ever eager to elevate 
Perfumed pulses that permeate
The atom's abyss of absence
Like The Beloved palmed in 
The Lover's presitne perpetual prescence 
An eternal epic epizeuxis by the essence 
As poetic as the desimated one's remebrence. 

Saturday 27 June 2020


Why is it that the soul's sky
Can sink in the mind's motion? 
Molten liquid in a furnace 
whose flame is frozen? 
At every breath a bight 
A becoming, a Might