Friday 12 February 2021

The Spiritual Sings

I've just comeback
From a concussion caused 
By sitting in spaces I didn't fit in 
Forced conversations with faces 
that don't speak me

I've just comeback 
From a heart attack 
A shattering shock 
Of lies lit to make dark
My light's spark

I've just comeback 
From a maze of madness 
Whose caffeine high 
Got me losing mind
Had me coffin low
The thousandth death super slow 

I've just comeback 
From carrying my 
Guttered gut
Between fidgety fingers
And baseless petals 
Of crushed paranoia

I've just comback 
From a twisted path
Tabulated by a psycho's math
Who danced to the derivative 
Of the absent boundary 
of an emptied empath

I've just comeback 
From soulache 
pain planted 
Across acres of past, 
present and future lives 
My tenses sentence 
To a toxic existence 

I've just comeback 
From written reals
Of tormenting tragedies 
That trapped the spirit 
In a storm of tears 
That bruised being 
Would not let droplets drop 

The spiritual sings
I'm fortunate to be back
To have grown teeth 
Strong enough to chew on chains
And still have enough of me
To dance in rain
Enough sun to outgrow the pain
Enough rhyme to mirror poetry 
Enough heart to love me again 
Enough life to live beautifully 
Enough gut to stay brave
Enough me to make every moment count 
Enough soul to make souljourn 
The Spiritual sings 
Ink-credible things 
Like there's no going back 
And to read this poem 
Anytime any dreadful demon 
Calls me back