Sunday 22 December 2013


We love 
beyond our senses
Not because we have no control
over our senses
but because we know with certainty
that it is precisely because of him
that we all are

We love 
we love him dearly 
Not only because
we are commanded to do so 
but because loving him is 
in reality the source of all love
The soul of all things created

We love him
we love him immensely 
not out of misery and 
loneliness in our hearts
but because our hearts 
have been carved out
from the Creator's love for him

We love him 
we love him intensely 
not because we have been 
overcome by madness
but because it is madness 
not to love him with all intensity

Our love for him 
is far from blasphemy
it is the distance between 
faith and hypocrisy
we are only beggars at his door 
because he is the only door to Allah
Allah is The Bestower but he is the distributor and nothing 
reaches all creation from Allah
except that it reaches his hand first

For he is the first slave
Whom The Master made master 
of all things created

Placed beside him 
the sky has no height
the sun no light
the ocean is void of vastness
the earth no expanse
time no measurement
and space no kingdom 
Only through him is 
The Artisians Skill shown
It is by him that The Unkown becomes known and unknown again
He is the furthest depth of all mysteries
the scent that sheds light on all subtelties
His physical body  
proceeded past the point 
where Gabriel's angelic anatomy  
would turn to ashes
he is the perfection that all existence mirrors
The wonder of all wonders
his station is a statement from 
The Originator 
not given to him 
by our love for him
but by Love out of love for itself

We love him more 
than we love ourselves
this love will suffice us 
throughout the worlds
for no love is true 
unless carried in a heart 
that loves him
because that heart without love for him is foreign to love itself

May The Creator's love and peace
descend upon the source 
of all love and all peace
our love and our peace
the light that illumined
every excellence that 
The Excellent exudes
That the perfected perception recieves
The ocean whose waters  water
blossoms that bloom
to give light to the moon
from the depth of the first dawn 
to the last dream of doom

By Your slave's scent
grant us ascent
by the magnums means
grant us a piercing proximity
by Love's lantern
grant us The Gold of 
Your Glorious Glow
Indeed it is sown
Indeed it is so

Saturday 21 December 2013


Oh Master of existence
Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
Who is the opener of the beginning
The door to the Great treasure

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
Who always speaks truthfully
extending his hands to the helpless
the weak and those in need

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
that sits in Hira and ponders deep as his heart seeks
Your Countenance he whose heart knows your Glory

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
in Taif whose lips are moist with mercy
Though he stands with blood flowing down his feet

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
Whom you permit
to leave his home city
In order to carry out a command from Thee

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
at the cave standing with the enemy at his heel
and yet his trust in you has not become weak

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
In battle at Badr
who beseeches Thee so beautifully
for your help and now his companions watch Satan flee

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
Who travels at a marvelling speed
passing the seven heavens without wings

Inspire me with the love for that Sufi
Who bears the sceptre of all Your messengers
from Adam to the blessed son of Mary

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
To whom you revealed your speech
And to whom you promise the praiseworthy degree

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
Whom you have made the prophetic seal
The best of all creatures!

Inspire me with the love for that Sufi
that reigns from Ain Madi
The flower from the clan of At-Tijani

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
that holds firmly to the path of Imam Maliki
shining therein with immeasurable beauty

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
who sits at the feet of grand masters purely
For the sake of nearness to Your Majesty

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
Who travels to Fez the shiny city
To sit day and night in worship of Thee

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
That submerges himself in Thee
And in the ways of your Nabi

 Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
Whom you conceal in concealment
And raise him to be the special one amongst the special ones

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
who opens his hand to receive
means from Your Perfect Prophet that fill the journey with ease

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
with whose teaching millions of tongues mention you so lively
as their hearts worship you vividly

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
whose actions of goodness are done with consistency?
a slave who is ever grateful to the bounties You give

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
whose image is a reflection of your Nabi
a jewel of light that shines ever so brightly

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
whom you have made the saintly seal
who never leaves the countenance of the Real

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
This sterling scholar, this fragrant ruby
the son of the blessed Al Hajj Abdullahi

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
that ploughs the field of servitude to Thee so gracefully
leading the great Jihad of the self so relentlessly

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
that floods the heart of multitudes with knowledge of Thee
till an inner state of worship is reached
where it is only You they see

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
who carves in the hearts of his followers
goodness and purity
with the chisel tip of his poetry

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
whose heartbeats replicate the footsteps
of the source of Your Mercy
in whose light his soul is buried deeply

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
who travels from the furthest
part of the Maghreb to the
Ancient Fareast in worship of Thee

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
whose standing, sitting and lying
only has You to please, his lungs
are filled with gratitude to You as he breathes

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
whose love for your beloved
permeates his being inwardly and outwardly
The one whom you have given the sweetness of Your intimacy

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
whose love for Thee turned Kaolack into a city
with a light of love for Thee
that lights the best of communities

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
Upon whom you bestow with knowledge that overflows
beyond the limit that every knower has come to know
The seal’s unseen shadow

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
Whose presence is a heavenly breeze
A seed of the upright Sayidina Aliou Cisse

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
That roams the globe
In Your beloved’s robe

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
By whose hand those that did not know
Enter into submission to You in droves

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
That acts upon your commands so lively
And bows to you so gracefully

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
That drowns the soul deep
In the ocean of servitude with his pure speech

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
whose crown is Your worship
and Your remembrance has dyed his lips

Inspire me with love for that Sufi
that leads on a luminous mantle of Quran and Hadith
with an aspiration that raises the student’s state to a galactic zenith

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
whose sacred chain is endowed with complete ease
Whose Sujood to You does not retreat

Inspire with love for that Sufi
Who is an ambassador of women and children,
philanthropist and businessman in service of Islam

Inspire me with the Sujood of that Sufi
Whose station is light years beyond me
A diamond in time’s crown that shines so brightly

Inspire me with love for this Sufi
That says to me:
Perform your five daily prayers in congregation timeously
Respect your parents and treat them kindly
Purify your heart with the water of Allah’s remembrance morn and evening daily
And seek His Mercy, send prayer upon His beloved and negate All but Him.
Renew your faith with your beloved brothers weekly
And meet your beloved brethren for Allah's sake every day, remember your Lord sincerely
Foster in your heart the love for all Awliyah Allah
And remember that Allah has hidden his friends amongst those that submit

Inspire me with the Sujood of this Sufi
That says to me:
Hold on to Allah’s rope firmly
Remember Allah as often as you breathe

Inspire me with love for this Sufi
That Glows with Love for Muhammad your beloved slave
a love that engulfs his own existence

Inspire me with the Sujood of this Sufi
Whose eyes look at You only and seem to have forgotten sleep
This Sufi that lies beneath the blade of
Your Divine Will like a submissive sheep

Inspire me with love for this Sufi
Whose supplication is perfumed with sincerity
whose actions overpower my sight with serene humility

Inspire me with the Sujood of this Sufi
That says to me:
Propagate Islam to the members of your family
And the closest members to you are your limbs

Inspire me with love for this Sufi
That says to me:
It is a great aspiration to attain inward and outward likeness of the Nabi
But if you must choose sacrifice outward beauty.
And so I pondered:
That the rose’s fragrance is sweeter than her sight

Inspire me with the Sujood of this Sufi
That says to me:
You will achieve more if you do less continuously
Than if you do a lot occasionally

Inspire every part of me
With everything in him,
Inspire me from deep within.

O Allah fill our hearts with love for your beloved slave
And All those whom You love

And send serene salutations upon Muhammad Our Master and guide