Monday, 22 April 2013



Powerful words

worded with waves
that crashed on the shore of creativity
covering the shorelines of our existence
coloring the grays of our ancient anatomy
with the beauty of the note that carried the first melody
and mothered music
tracing the tracks of our tragic testimony
the blindness that blinds us from our blindness
the knowing that gnaws at the knowing of unknowns
Painted by the abstract captions carved from the precious
marvel that liquefies into the poetry in This Pilgrim's Pen 
A rose reddened by a ruby like remembrance
That echoes beyond mounting moments
That spans beyond the space of spaces

A spoken soul, A striking spear

A seeker of peace
In our world of war

Between the lines drawn 
by her saffron ink
May you begin to think 
of Allah's Majestic Roar

(Inspired after reading a poem by Sukina Pilgrim of Poetic Pilgrimage)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013



These breaths of mine become heartbeats
Heartbeats that provide my organs with life blood
These organs that bestow life upon bones and flesh 
This Life that lifts the motions of my limbs
These limbs that breath out stillness

How useless indeed
If it be 
That between the two breaths
All I see is me

For if so
I have certainly existed
but I did not live
For what is life if not the song of my breath
the drumming in my heart
the ocean in my veins
the love that lifts my limbs
and the silence that speaks stillness with the tongue of motion

But if not
I mute time
And space becomes my scent
For only life can see life